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We are ambassadors of our community and we wanted to tell the story of our community through the faces and voices of the people that live here. We want to introduce the great people of our community to each other and the world, one smiling face at a time. Please join us in celebrating our community through The Faces Of Lexington

Meet Whitney Scheibel The Founder of Fabulous in Fayette!

My name is Whitney, and I’m the founder of Fabulous in Fayette, which is a blog that celebrates the fabulous city of Lexington, the great state of Kentucky, and Southern living. I’m your go-to guide for everything Lexington, Southeast Kentucky, and the Commonwealth. I started Fabulous in Fayette in 2016, because I wanted to highlight…

Nicole Gifford The Face Behind Share Lex!

I am a content creator and blogger, mom, and supporter of all things local! I was not born in Kentucky but Lexington definitely feels like home to me. I have a huge passion for helping people choose small businesses over chains, and I believe the biggest barrier that keeps people from supporting local more often…

Marie Pullen Blogger and Business Owner!

Hello! I am a blogger with Backroad Bluegrass, event coordinator, social media manager, artist, and creator of the Bluegrass Creative Market. Starting a blog tapped me on the shoulder for several years (wish I would have answered the call sooner). I had a goal of not only encouraging tourism to Kentucky, but even more so,…